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Post by kungfupandacam Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:13 am

1. start out with pr sense, unless you get a genius
2. MoST IMPORTANT THING! Go to Jaw a ton. Jaw will give you a glove or a suprise bag and 250 or 300$. you can sell the extra gloves, I got a +6 control glove from sittch so I just sold the +5 control ones I got. For your first suprise bag S/l for a gamblers ring so you can gamble for abilities. Then S/L for SOP's, get one legendary players of baseball
3. Best abilities to get from SOP
1. Lucky
2. Battler
3. Groundball P

after you get these 3 you don't need to S/L, but still S/L because you could end up with Dr. K which Lucy already gives you or Poker face which does nothing and takes away battler

4. Max out a knuckleball and an ORIG These are the two best pitches in the game, you don't need to max out anything else.
5. For your ORIG always choose a curve ball, Sinker or slider, and always choose more edge or more break, if you choose anything else it will be a nice complementary pitch but not a dominant K pitch.
6. NEVER BOOST STAMINA! Let the steak lady do that for you.
7. If you get at least 10 scout points a game in AA, you'll never have to practice and get more time for Arc's.
8. You only need your control at a D or a C. It takes way too long to upgrade and dosen't do much.
9. Gyroball may be cool, but intimidator is more effective and easier to get.
tips on Lucy's Arc
1. Get her likeability to 90 or more
2. Always date in the park after you win the AA championship, but before, alternate between shopping center and food. at food if it looks like night time have steak, if it looks like lunch time get seafood pasta.
3. must win both AA games Vs Wild Jokers
4. NEVER GO TO THE DOCTOR! this is the most important thing, my pitchers get intimidator from Lucy every time after following these steps.

10. Only get your top speed to about 90, you'll have so much money from Jaw that you'll have enough glove waxes to get it to 105.
11. S/L for getting rid of PR sense second time with Sittch.
12. For experience points, do Franc's Arc( it also gives you GD sense) and Sittch's arc, after Sittch's Arc, practice with sittch
13. After you beat the Galaxy sharks with Gil and Gil gets injured, go to the lake, Sittch will give you a legendary players of baseball book and leave. Now you'll have fastball life 4 and spin
14. eat carryover chocolates, and fill up the energy bar, but don't buy energy drinks, do free time activities
15. buy psychic goggles and princes necklaces

if you follow this guide, you'll be making aces, note this is not a guide to making maxed out players.


Posts : 34
Join date : 2015-09-19
Age : 80

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